Usage rules

Rules for comments


  • The language you use must be the same as the language of the article where you’re uploading your comment.

  • You must be excellent to others, and others to you.
    (Excellent (Random House): outstanding, extremely good.)

  • Don’t be needlessly obscene, unpleasant or explicit. The rating of this website is similar to PG-13 or PEGI 12+.


Rules for published articles

Anyone can contribute articles to Furry Chronicles. To contribute, contact by e-mail, or with Golden Mickey. The published articles shall meet the following requirements:


  • It must be related to furry.

  • It must be in readable and understandable English or Spanish, American or European. It must have cohesive statements.

  • It must be original text, or you must have the right to publish the text granted by the author of the original (and they have to be mentioned.)

  • It must be informative in nature. It can be news, opinion pieces, interviews, reports, or others.

  • You mustn’t be needlessly obscene, unpleasant or explicit. The rating of this website is similar to PG-13 or PEGI 12+.

  • It must be researched to some extent. For example, if it’s a film criticism article, you must have seen the movie you’re talking about, and you must be able to compare it to others, and to common practices in that medium.

  • If it contains ‘spoilers’, there must be prior notice before the spoilers can be read in the text.

  • You must respect the privacy of others. If you’re presenting personal information, the person you’re talking about must agree with the information being spread, or the information must be of public use, available through other legal means.